For the next couple of weeks or months, many of us will be working remotely. Our videographers and court reporters are experienced in conducting remote depositions with Zoom (or skype/team if needed). As a predominantly video and technology services firm, we have developed an easy solution to Remote Depositions.
Attorneys, court reporters and witnesses will be joining a video conference, in which our videographers will be capturing video remotely. It’s much simpler than it sounds; see a short video demo at the end of this email.
The top 5 questions we’ve been asked
Does the witness have the capability to utilize zoom?
SA Legal has sterilized, Zoom capable iPads that can be delivered to the witnesses’ location. If needed, our videographers can give instructions on using Zoom in-person (with social distancing) or over the phone.
What About Exhibits?
If exhibits are being used, you may email them to us, we will print and label your exhibits to be dropped off with the iPad.
What if there is a technical issue?
Every deposition has a videographer assigned to monitor the feed and will make sure the video/audio is being captured and can help diagnose if any technical issues arise.
What are the rules regarding Remote Depositions?
Governor Abbott has signed an emergency order allowing the use of remote depositions. See here.
Will the end product be different than normal?
You will receive an e-transcript, exhibits, and video as you usually would. Read and sign is still an option, and changes will be e-filed as usual.
To schedule a deposition, please email your notice to if you have any questions feel free to call us at 210-591-1791.